Have you ever wished for a field-tested, tried-and-true method for achieving a long-term business goal? It’s too difficult to simply have a goal in mind and start working toward it; that’s too broad and too loosely structured. You’re likely to get distracted and, ultimately, accomplish very little.
You’re in luck—an effective strategy that you can try today to work toward and achieve your ultimate business goal is something that Gary Keller, author of The One Thing, calls “goal setting to the now.”
Here’s how it works:
1. Set a someday goal. Ask yourself: What’s the ONE thing I want to do someday?
2. Set a five-year goal. Ask yourself: Based on my someday goal, what’s the ONE thing I can I do in the next five years?
3. Set a one-year goal. Ask yourself: Based on my five-year goal, what’s the ONE thing I can I do this year?
4. Set a monthly goal. Ask yourself: Based on my one-year goal, what’s the ONE thing I can I do this month?
5. Set a weekly goal. Ask yourself: Based on my monthly goal, what’s the ONE thing I can I do this week?
6. Set a daily goal. Ask yourself: Based on my weekly goal, what’s the ONE thing I can I do today?
7. Set a right-now goal. Ask yourself: Based on my daily goal, what’s the ONE thing I can I do right now?
Say your “someday goal” is reaching retirement. From there, you’ll be able to funnel your thinking downward and set reasonable goals every step of the way. In the next five years, perhaps you’ll make sure someone is trained properly to take your place. This month, set a goal to start putting out job listings. Today, write up a job posting. Before you know it, you’ll have taken the first step—right now!—to start achieving that ultimate goal that seemed out-of-reach before.
This strategy can work for any business goal. Trying to get your front-desk to 100% efficiency without any no-show appointments or price-quoting over the phone? Put it through the paces of the funnel. You’ll be able to work closely with your team and discover what you can do today to start making your goal one step closer to a reality. Break it down, and there’s nowhere to go but up!