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Skills of Medical Receptionists

A front desk medical receptionist is attentive to details and is able to remain calm and focused even when there is a lot of things to do.

Receptionist Greeting Tips

Even with the latest technological innovations, the phone remains to be a very important component in the success of a business. With the...

Medical Receptionist Training

A medical receptionist training manual will come in handy when there are new hires and they need to learn the ropes quickly. A medical...

Receptionists Should Be Taught Tact

Since receptionists always have to deal with people from all walks of life, by phone or in person, they should be taught tact. This means...

Training Your Receptionist To Be A Better Listener

Most companies recognize the important role of receptionists in attracting potential clients which means more revenue for the business....

Earning A Medical Receptionist Certificate Online

Today, medical receptionist certificate programs online make it easier for people who like to work as a receptionist get better...

Dental Receptionist Training

In any type of medical practice or facility, the patient experience starts with the first person they come in contact with, which is...

Preparing For A Receptionist’s Job

Front desk receptionists play an important role in making a positive first impression on behalf of the company. Receptionist courses...

Dental Office Receptionist Course

A dental office receptionist course can go a long way in empowering the staff of the front desk. Day in and day out, the receptionist has...

Medical Receptionist College Courses

Medical receptionist college courses are usually offered at trade schools, technical colleges, or community colleges. Generally, classes...

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